Alright. Here we go. This is my first official post on my first intentional blog since LiveJournal and Tumblr.
*intense, memory-induced cringe*
Forgive me if this post is random at best. I read that the first step to getting started is to just… get started. Put something, anything out there. Here’s my anything. Earlier, I was obsessing about my theme until I realized that I was intentionally procrastinating. I have no readers yet, so it doesn’t really matter what my site looks like. My visuals could consist of dozens of images of Muntjac deer and nobody would know. Don’t Google that. You’ll regret it. That’s M-u-n-t-j-a-c. Especially don’t look up videos of them.
*sips tea whilst you all traumatize yourselves*
Mark this down as a moment of evolution. You are witnessing me developing gills and limbs and making the unwise decision to venture onto unknown land. It’s going to be awkward, grotesque, and entertaining, much like that deer you weren’t supposed to look up.
And there you have it. My first post. Short. Not sweet.
Progress over perfection and all that, I s’pose.